Fisher Super Koala

Standards for personal aircraft has been redefined, but not redesigned. . . the Super Koala.


  • Can carry a payload equal to its weight.
  • Excellent platform for lightweight floats or skies
  • Optional two-cycle or four-cycle engines
  • Roomier cockpit
  • One man-two minute wing fold system

Build Kit:

  • Complete Airframe Kit:- Standard and Quick-Build
  • Partial Airframe Kits:- Wing, Fuselage and Hardware Kits
  • Plans and Instructions Included
  • Excluded:- Engine, Engine Mount, Instruments, Upholstery, Restraints and Paint
  • Engine HP range:- 65-80 hp

Flight Performance:

Climb Rate 1100 fpm
Cruise Speed 75 mph
Glide Ratio 9:1
Landing Roll 250 ft
Maximum Speed-VNE 95 mph
Stall Speed -VSO 32 mph
Takeoff Run 150 ft
Top Level Speed 90 mph


Cockpit Width 24 in
Construction Time Approx. 750 hrs
Design Loads +4.0G and -2.2G
Empty Weight 400 lbs
Engine HP 65 to 80 hp
ZonSen C80
Field Assembly Approx 30 min
Fuel Capacity 8 gal (Optional wing tanks)
Gross Weight 830 lbs
Height 5 ft 7 in
Length 18 ft 1 in
Power Loading 10.4 lb/hp
Prop Diameter/Pitch 60”/28”
Range 250-400 Miles
Reduction Ratio 2.58-to-1
Useful Load 430 lbs
Wing Area 140 sq ft
Wing Loading 5.9 lb/sf
Wingspan 31 ft 0 in
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