Safely Owing the Skies

It starts with the design; moves to our production floor; and ends with the way you build and operate your plane.

Each airplane we design is put through several tests before being offered to you. This is to ensure that each aircraft built from our kits meets industry specifications and requirements.

We count on you, the owner/pilot of a aircraft to always double-check the airplane before taking flight, as well as repair and replace parts to ensure the continued airworthiness of the aircraft.


IMPORTANT: Remember that responsibility for compliance with applicable ADs, Bulletins and Letters always rests with the aircraft owner.

The following are a few associations you may wish to join while flying one of Ckd.Aero’s airplanes.
AOPA :- Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association
COPA :- Canadian Owners and Pilots Association
EAA :- Experimental Aircraft Association
RAA :- Recreational Aircraft Association
UPAC :- Ultralight Pilots Association of Canada
USUA :- United States Ultralight Association

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